How Does The Earth Element Show on Your Face?
The ancient art of Chinese Facial Reading is one of the techniques used to diagnose illness, to evaluate the flow of life force energy and to assess the spirit of an individual. The practice of facial reading can help us understand a person’s true nature, by revealing “the Original Face” or their basic inherited constitution.
Some of the qualities of the Earth personality are – warm, caring, nurturing, and supportive. When in balance, there is a healthy energy of giving and receiving. How does the Earth Element reveal itself in our faces?
Some things to look for when there is a strong element of Earth present:
· Round face and/or full lower cheeks
· Full hips/roundness to the body/ round stomach
· Full lips
· A generous mouth
· A yellowish hue to the skin
· Big calf muscles
· Large breasts in women/ big muscles in men
You don’t need to have all of these things to indicate a strong earth element energy, but as you can see “full and round” are key words. That doesn’t necessarily mean that a person is overweight, even a thin person can have roundness in their features. Notice what stands out when you look at your face. Do you have full lips in a round face? Big strong muscles and an overall solid appearance? Well known faces include Oprah Winfrey and Rosie O’Donnell.
What does this all mean? For example the fullness and size of the mouth can indicate how generous a person is in their expression of emotions, in their enjoyment of life, their sensuality and the ability to give and receive.
Fine lines above the upper lip can indicate not enough to self-nurturing. Puffy upper eyelids could mean a person has a talent for investing or saving money.
A broad bridge of the nose can indicate easy flow of money in your life, whereas a narrow bridge could mean that you may have to work a little harder to get money to flow.
This is going to be a series. Stay tuned next month for more on Facial Diagnosis.
Take a moment and observe your face. How strong is the Earth Element represented there?